Mini2440 with a different LCD

I got a mini2440 and I'm trying to install linux. I've been trying for
several days but so far with no success. 
I'm following this guide :

The problem is i think i have different LCD than the article mentions. the
back on my LCD i read SP035GT-09.

I'm really new at this thing and i just cant figure out what to do.

Anyone know which kernel file i need to use for this LCD? Or any
information how i can get it to work. I've ran out of options and i really
need help.


Searching on Google shows up
but you probably have already seen that.

Maybe, contact that re-seller or better still have a chat with the people
you bought it from to find out what it is equivalent to.

One link said it was VGA, which was a surprise to me.  I thought you needed
an adapter to go from VGA to what ever the mini2440 supports, video-wise.
LCD2VGA adapter   

Good luck!

A 3.5 inch FriendlyARM LCD, depending on age, will have on the back N35,
T35, X35, or W35. These numbers are usually in the kernel names that go
with them.

That "Wrong End Display" sounds a bit off. What else does yours say on the
back - on the PCB with the 40 line FFC connector.