IAR Embedded Workbench with Mini2440

Go Chee Leong
   I am new to ARM and have just brought the Mini2440 with 3.5" LCD. Have
installed the IAR Embedded Workbench (32K Code Size Limited) Free Edition.
Trying to port the ADS LED Sample source code to the IAR Workbench without
success. Compile error with the 2440slib.inc file
   May i know if anyone have experience porting the ADS source code into
IAR Embedded Workbench?
   Any guideline or pointers are welcome and deeply appreciated.

thank you

Mark D
Did you manage to figure out how to build the LED demo "myled" using IAR


I have got a problem with IAR.
I used the 2440test code and ported it to IAR .
In vivi I used Download & Run,then uploaded the .bin file.
After the upload, the vivi starts,but not my code.

I delete the funktions call_linux(),cpu_arm920_tlb_invalidate_all().

In the funktion cache_clean_invalidate() I get a opperand error
this code is inside the function:
asm("    mov  r0, #0 \n"
      "          mcr  p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4   \n"/* drain WB */
      "          mcr  p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0   ");/* invalidate I & D TLBs */

Why is there an operand error?
And why my progamm didnt start?

Thanks for helping

I have a problem with memory adress mapping, i would like to inquire if
someone of you made the .icf file for the mini2440 version.