nanopi ssh usb ethernet ip quick start problem -SOLVED

Just in case someone else is having trouble with ssh into the nanopi, here
are a few things I ran into using the Quick Start to get up and running.  I
am running Ubuntu 16.04 so will not help for windows.

In the Quick Start Instructions, it says to connect by ssh

I had some problems but got it working.


1. ssh......Network unreachable
This means the device is not connecting to usb ethernet.  Even though its
usb, the computer needs a network so you pc needs to be connected to at
least a wired or wireless router.

2. Long wait and eventual error: ssh........Connection to host timed out
This means the network is available but nobody answered.

double-check your command ssh root@

Check to see if the device is seen when connected via usb and if it is
getting through via usb ethernet

from terminal run:
dmesg | grep Friendly

you should see a few entries for usb mentioning Friendly Arm Gadget
If not, either fusing failed or the usb is isn't working. 

At the end of a successful fusing, you should see couple drives pop up in
Ubuntu, one that is named FRIENDLYARM and another labeled NANOPI, if these
are not there something went wrong when running

When booted the nanopi will blink blink the blue led to show its running. 
A steady blue led is not success, this is on even with the sd card not in.

3. ssh: ......Connection Refused
This means there is a device with this ip but it has refused the ssh

In my case, I had another device with the same ip.

To check if this is the case, run this command
If you see a series repeated responses like:
 64bytes from
this means a device with the ip is responding.

CTRL Z to quit

Now, unplug the nanopi and run the same ping command
If you still see responses, you have an ip conflict.

With the nanopi still disconnected
Try the ping command with,, .4, .5 etc
until you have found a free ip address

You can change the fixed ip by putting the sd card in you reader and
changing the ip in the file on your sd located at

Change and save to the free ip you found using whatever text
editor you choose.

Pop the sd into nanopi and power up to try and ssh using the new ip

Hope this helps someone.