Problem on Windows CE LCD

Ali Saadatzade
i have been bought a tiny210v2...
i compiled WinCE with VS2005 and successfully compiled and i installed it
on device via SD Card..
but now it does not show any thing on LCD...
i have been changed Options.h file and defined DISPLAY_MODE LCD_S70 , but
not worked agin!

My changes on options.h:

#ifndef __OPTIONS_H
#define __OPTIONS_H

// DEBUG_PORT could be defined as one of DEBUG_UART_NONE, , DEBUG_UART1,

//#define    DEBUG_PORT  DEBUG_UART0
//#define    DEBUG_PORT  DEBUG_UART1
//#define    DEBUG_PORT  DEBUG_UART2
//#define    DEBUG_PORT  DEBUG_UART3

// if you dont what Bootloader pass the DISPLAY_MODE, define it
// or else keep it as a comment
//#define DISPLAY_MODE      HDMI1080P60

// Supported Display List
#define  LCD_BAD          0
#define HDMI576P16X9D           140
#define HDMI576P4X3D            161
#define HDMI480P16X9D           142
#define HDMI480P4X3D            143

#define DISPLAY_MODE      LCD_S70