I'm not able to JTAG Spansion 016J NOR

Eugenio ALESSI
I have used more than 100 mini2440 board with windowsce 5.0. I have a
backup of my system and when I install new board normally I use DNW and
push the restore function and everithing works fine! Last month I bought 10
new board 2440 that have a superboot installed...I didn't wont to use this,
but I would like to use the old supervivi...How to Jtagging this ? I've
spent a lot of thime on this forum, but I've tried everithing and the
problem is still active!

Someone have some guidelines for me ?

Thanks in advance


Send an email to armworks@gmail.com  

I think they got a note on how to regress to Supervivi.

Titus Breidung
Hi Euginio,

i successfully flashed the Spansion NOR chip with the configuration
described at the end of this thread:


Good luck!
