Date setting in Android

I'd like to know how to set date/time in 6410 or 210 SDK and Android
environment. I understood that a command "date" can be used in Linux as the
[root@sense ~]# date 032611412013
Sat Mar 26 11:41:00 KST 2013

Thank you in advance for good teaching!!

Through adb:
adb shell date -s YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS

startActivity(new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_DATE_SETTINGS));
(note - this only calls the Android Settings Menu, it is only possible for
the system to change date/time)

In the Android Settings Menu
- Choose "Date&time"
- Uncheck "Automatic"
- Choose "Set date"
  - Set date
  - Go back one level
- Choose "Set time"
  -Set time

Thanks wdyn1,
Re your suggestion: adb shell date -s YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS - It's working well
in shell mode but doesn't work in Android.

Re programmatic method, it floats setting page to set manually and seems a
useful in applications. I'd like to find a method how to interface date
setting by program like Linux environment.

Maybe I don't know exactly what you mean by "program like Linux
environment", but I might know the problem you're running into.  As far as
I know, Android does not allow permission for user apps to change the date
or time.  I've tried a few work-arounds, but haven't found anything useful
other than what I already posted.  Sorry...  If you find a different
solution, I would really like to know :)

Hi wdyn1,
It is meant that it is easy to interface date setting by external program
in Linux. I understood FriendlyArm SDK has opened root authority but have
no way to find API for date setting.
Thanks again wdyn1.