message error "supervivi not found"

I am woking with the mini2440 and the software "SuperVivi USB transfer
utility" , so when I try to begin with the board I can see this error

Superboot V1.0(20130514) for Mini2440 by FriendlyARM
Try to find SD card...... not found.Hello USB Loop

and I canīt see the "supervivi menu"....

Can you give me some help for try to solve this error

Best Regards

As far as I see, FriendlyARM recently changed bootloader in NOR from
SuperVivi to SuperBoot.

That means SuperVivi transfer tool is no longer compatible.

I am looking for solution on how to flash NAND memory with Superboot.

One way is to find, download and use SuperBoot compatible transfertool. But
which one?

Another way is to flash SuperVivi to NOR memory through J-TAG interface.
And use SuperVivi transfer tool as before.

Best regards.