Help me update OS for Tiny210 + SDKv1

Dich Kieu
I want to reinstall OS Android2.3 for Tiny210. I follow document in DVD. I
set startup  as SD card mode. SD-Flasher report Successed when I click
Fuse. But I push SD card in board and power up nothing happen. My
friendlyARM file :

#This line cannot be removed. by FriendlyARM(

Action = Install
OS = Android

LowFormat = Yes
VerifyNandWrite = No

LCD-Mode = No

StatusType = Beeper | LED

################### Android ####################
Android-BootLoader = superboot210.bin
Android-Kernel = Android/zImage
Android-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock4 console=ttySAC0,115200
init=/linuxrc androidboot.console=s3c2410_serial0 skipcali=yes ctp=2
Android-RootFs-InstallImage = Android/rootfs_android.img

and root directoy in my SD card :

When I push SD card in board but LED1 don't flash and Buzzer don't ring.
Help me. Please!

My laptop installed Windows 7. My Tiny board use TinySDK v1.0.
And. please, show me which COM in board use for hyperteminal by default
when startup? I try both COM but nothing happen in hyperterminal, through
in my setup run normal in my Mini2440.

Please, help me! Thanks for read and sorry because my English!

Hi there Kisch,
Did you found a solution for this?

Is this a single line?

Android-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock4 console=ttySAC0,115200
init=/linuxrc androidboot.console=s3c2410_serial0 skipcali=yes ctp=2

Also, recommend LowFormat-no