mini2440, barebox and the serial console

Johan Ribenfors
I have a few questions regarding barebox and the serial console.

Are the serial console settings in the barebox bootloader fixed at compile
time, or can they be changed from the bootloader console?

I need to disable ttySAC0, or redirect it to ttySAC1.  I can do this once
linux has started booting, but I haven't successfully found how to redirect
the bootloader's output.

If it can be changed after compile time, is it possible to do it from
within linux? We have a number of mini2440s in the field that we can't
easily reflash with a new bootloader, but we can ssh into them.

The reason for this is that we have some hardware on ttySAC0, and
occasionally, when the mini2440 boots, this hardware responds to the
bootloader's output and manages to pause the boot process at the 'Hit any
key to stop autoboot' prompt.  Setting the timeout to 0 doesn't solve the

Are you using the Pengutronix BSP as well?

I'll take a stab at it ...

Using  a terminal program boot the mini2440 and at the prompt "Hit any key
to stop autoboot:


   edit /env/config

Maybe, you can change the bootargs line to ttySAC1

then saveenv

Never done it myself, but just maybe ...

Sorry, reading again carefully it looks like I misunderstood.

Is it possible to change something else in /env/config?

Johan Ribenfors
I'm using the Pengutronix BSP.

Thanks for the reply, but that's the bit I _have_ got working.  

By changing the console definition in the bootargs line and /etc/inittab I
can redirect the linux console output - but I also want to redirect the
bootloader output.

I don't know what else could be changed in /env/config, I don't think I've
come across a definitive list of options that are available.

Didn't look through all these:
A posting on this site might be more likely to raise the attention of the
Pengutronix guru who works with the Barebox guru(s) :)

Definitive list:


should get Sascha Hauer on the case.

Juergen Beisert

take a look into the barebox-2011.05.0 source tree file
arch/arm/boards/mini2440/mini2440.c, structure "mini2440_serial_device".
The symbol UART1_BASE defines the UART which should be used as Barebox's
console. Change it to UART2_BASE or UART3_BASE, re-compile Barebox and use
it on your Mini2440s.
This means: the console used by Barebox is compiled-in.

And as davef already mentioned, the Barebox mailling list can also be