Installing yaffs2-image faiIed...

I'm trying to install a ANDROID 4.0.3 image in the ..\images\Android of the
original CD but cant make it. 

I'm open a terminal window (RS232) and get the follow information:

Ver: 1.16(20130204)
CPU: S5PV210 1GHz
RAM: 512MB
Touch Device: 1-wire
LCD Type: S70(Auto)

Installing OS 'ANDROID'
Installing bootloader...
file: /images/Superboot210.bin: 528 KB(540672 Byte)
Installing bootloader succeed
Installing kernel...
file: /images/Android/zImage: 4 MB(4620276 Byte)
Installing kernel succeed
Installing yaffs2-image...
Installing yaffs2-image failed  

In the line "Installing yaffs2-image failed" the instalation fail!... can
anyone help me?

You need probably need to recreate the image file but formatted for SLC
nand rather than MLC nand.  I can't remember the exact procedure but you
can use the rootfs tarball that is in the android folder, as root unpack it
to a temp folder somewhere, then use one of the mktools binaries to create
an slc image (hint, the binary you want is probably the one without MLC in
the name and you will need to run it on 32bit linux).

FYI, unless there's a specific reason to use the original, you should
really look at the latest android 4.0.3, it's been updated with the x86
ethernet patch (a patch that originated on x86 version of android that
gives full support to ethernet from within the android framework) + a
couple of other things.