Runing Android OS on SD Card

cong hai
hi !
I couldn't runing android os on sd card .Although i seting same the

#Action = Install
Action = Run
OS = Android
#OS = Linux

LowFormat = No
VerifyNandWrite = No

LCD-Mode = No
LCD-Type = S70

StatusType = Beeper | LED

################### Android 2.3.1 ####################
Android-BootLoader = Superboot210.bin
Android-Kernel = Android2.3.1/zImage
Android-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock4 console=ttySAC0,115200
init=/linuxrc androidboot.console=s3c2410_serial0
Android-RootFs-InstallImage = Android2.3.1/rootfs_android.img

when i run OS on sd card terminal printf :
 Running OS 'ANDROID'
Loading kernel...
file: /images/Android2.3.1/zImage: 3 MB(4118880 Byte)
Load kernel succeed
Start Linux kernel...
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.

I need help!!!!!

You've basically got a lot of mistakes in the ini file.

You need to decide how you're going to boot it, if it's from an img file,
then you need to make sure that it's an ext3 image.  Or you can run it form
an ext3 partition on the sd, you would need to copy the contents of an
image file onto an ext3 partition on your SD card (make a 2nd partition).

If you are using an image file to boot from then you will need to add:

Android-Rootfs-RunImage = Android/2.3.1/name_of_your_ext3.img

You also need to make sure that the kernel and superboot are from the same
DVD, make sure that you have 'fused' the SD card with the same superboot
and copy it to the /images/ folder on the fat partition of your SD card.

Lastly you need to make changes to the Android-CommandLine, if you're
running from the 2nd partition I think you have to change the root= bit to:
Android-CommandLine = root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 console=ttySAC0,115200
init=/linuxrc androidboot.console=s3c2410_serial0

cong hai
Thank you for reply ! 

I changed file .ini , but i can't run android on the sdcard . 
I need run OS on SDcard , NO copy file kernel and file .img in nandflash
because i extern driver and build kernel faster in board mini 210.
can you help me !

it seems that Androids above 2.2 not work on low RAM boards smoothly(i
examine this on a device with 128MB of memory). and therefore we cant run
android 2.3 from SD card

cong hai
Thank you so much ! 
I will find solution defferent . ...

barbapapa 2013-03-07 07:53:20 
it seems that Androids above 2.2 not work on low RAM boards smoothly(i
examine this on a device with 128MB of memory). and therefore we cant run
android 2.3 from SD card
Wrong, the tiny210 has 512MB of ram, android 4.xx runs from SD card on
these boards without issue.

cong hai
Hi, Reggie !
I made change file .ini seem you command but I can't run android 2.3.1 on
sdcard . You can repeat solution defferent .
Thank you for reply !

You either have to make an ext3 partition on the sd card and unpack the
contents of the .img file onto the ext3 partition or you make sure you are
using an ext3 image file and put the name in Android-RootFs-RunImage.

how do u do it

Stop being an idiot and trying to bump your post up with nonsense messages.

How about you try google?

Have a look on the 'A' dvd for the rootfs in a tarball, as root unpack it,
then using google, learn how to create an ext3 image.