USB Host problems

Hello friendlARM community,
i have a problem with my friendlyARM board.
When i connect any device like a webcam or a keyboard to my USB host port,
it's not working. The OS system (Linux) doesn't recognize anything.
Same with the SD-card reader!
The command ls /dev/ shows me no usbmon or in case of a webcam no video2.
Also no sdb or any similar hint for the sd-card can be found.
Especial the USB-host is necessary for my work.
It is possible, that the host controller is defect?
Can i check it in any way?
If you need more information please ask me.
I would be glad if you can help me :-)

I forgot something:
In the past is used one time a webcam via the host controller and it
It was the same and unchanged system. The USB problem appeared just now.
Thats the reason why i think it is potentially a hardware problem.

Which kernel are you running on it and what is it configured for?

What does dmesg tell you when you plug the keyboard in?

I guess I would first replace the kernel and root filesystem with backup
copies of both of the previously working items.

Are you sure between the time when it use to work and now that nobody has
messed about with it?

Did the USB work "yesterday" and now today it doesn't?

Thank you for fast response and sorry for my late response, but the last
days I was realy busy.

OS and Kernel: Linux FriendlyARM 2.6.38-FriendlyARM armv6l GNU/Linux

dmesg | grep usb shows me a lot of drivers but no detected devices.

I tried to replace the kernel, but when i connect the friendlyARM board via
miniUSB with my computer, the connection can't be detected.

Yes I'm sure that nobody used it and yes the USB worked "yesterday" and on
next day it failed. That's the reason why i think it could be an hardware

Best regards

Ahhhh, some more news:

At this day where the board worked fine, the fuses in university were
Next day my problems appeared.
I'm not sure, but it is possible that an overload damaged the board?
Everything is okay, just excluded the both USB ports.