[Android] Eclipse 800x480 problem

I'm using a 7'' LCD with my tiny6410.
The problem i have is that I can't configure the screen 800x480 with
When i start a new project i specify the size of the screen and i have no
problem but with the "LEDDemo" it doesn't read my screen configuration
specs and it display a smaller screen size.
I specify the screen resolution in main.xml layout "graphical layout"

i hope someone could help.

Dave McLaughlin
Get this app (watch as it installs other useless apps which you might want
to uninstall) and use it to grab your screenshot. Extras menu


My screen is 7'' 800x480 buy the app "LEDDemo" doesn't read my
configuration screen values


I fixed..!!
I changed in de manifest.xml

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />


<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="9" minSdkVersion="8" />

it took me 7 hours to realize that..

Dave McLaughlin
Well done.

Actually, for future reference, you need to create your own configuration
in Eclipse for the 7" or 5" displays from FA as none of the built in
layouts are of the same DPI.

For an application I have that runs on a Mini210 with 5" or 7" display, I
have 2 different layout files for the 2 displays as they are different.
They both use a different DPI so watch out for this too.