Android OTA updates

Dave McLaughlin
Hi all,

Does anyone know how Android does Over The Air updates on the likes of
phones and tablets?

I have grabbed the source for my Galaxy S3 and trying to track down how
they do this.

I would like the ability to update my Mini210 via an OTA option that would
not wipe out any existing settings. Right now, when I do an install from
the SD card, it wipes the complete OS and all the settings I had.

Also, is it possible to update only the kernal without having to update the
Android OS at the same time?


Hi Dave, I think you get the ota update from your provider.

updating the kernel only should be relatively trivial, you just update the
kernel using superboot (hint: comment out the superboot/rootfs lines in
FriendlyARM.ini and superboot will only update the kernel!).

Dave McLaughlin
Hi Reggie,

Yes, the OTA update is from the provider for your phone. What I am wanting
to do is add this OTA type update to the FriendlyArm Android build.

So, what I am looking for is how this is done and any pointers to suitable
code base for it?

As for the kernel update, I'll give you idea a try tonight.
