Tiny210 winCe6.0 and ActiveSync

I've set up all SDK's from CD. Open existing project. Select active sync in
CatalogItem View and build Image. After that I upload and install image and
turn on device. All work good. But I can't connect my tiny210 to PC via
What I must set up or add to WinCe Image for activesync.


If you look a just a few posts down you'll see I've asked the same thing.  

At this stage the USB function driver (OTG in function mode) does not work
reliably.  I've been working through it but have not got it working
consistently yet.  FriendlyArm are aware of the issue but have not
committed to a release date for a fix at this stage.

ActiveSync sits on top of the USB function device and so this will not work
until the USB function driver is working.

If you manage to solve it in the meantime I'd be happy to hear how.

Any update on this issue???

I'm having the same problem. It is very annoying.


I fixed it and submitted the fix to FriendlyArm back in August or September
last year.  As far as I know the fix is included in the BSP's they released
after that date.

Do you have a image of wince6 working with Activesinc? I try with some
NK.bin but don't work the USB connection... I try with Eth activesyn but
don't work.. Activesyn 4.5 XP, Tiny210 Resistive touch..
