internet with android mini2440 X35?

Hi everyone,I have a KIT mini2440 X35,i successfully ported android 1.5 in
this KIT.
i use eclipse and code some apps run in this OS and it worked very well
with wired-network.
i wonder with another network,like wireless or gprs or 3g can work on this
mini2440 android 1.5?
I'm going to buy a usb-wifi for this KIT but i don't know android os
support this?
Thanks for reading

  i have mini 2440 ... with linux os ... sum problem in net access in my
arm 2440,, i pluged in lan cable ,, greem led on ,, then disply 
application error 11 ?? i cont find out ?? please any one explian this
error ,, then how to net conect in procedure in mini 2440 explian step by

Amol Hekade
  i have mini 2440 ... with Android os ... sum problem in net access in my
arm 2440,, and i want to connect internet to it but i unabe to connect . so
please  help me to connect  the internet to Friendly Arm mini2440 Kit

Ken Tran
@lemon, I'm very sorry for being off topic here. But could you please tell
me how you were able to upload the apps onto the mini using Eclipse?
Getting back on topic, my mini doesn't seem to have internet even if the
ethernet cable is plug in.