Mini2440 Not booting, Screen just keeps blinking

hey !
when i power up my mini2440 the screen keeps blinking, i m guessing the
board is resetting continously.
I checked if there s any serial signal out put but no response from the
Any way i can get the board running ?
Thanks in advance :)

If you łake a serial connection between your device and your PC do you have
output in f.e. hyperterminal ?

Large screen needs a good 5V power supply that gives anough power to feed
te backlight ! what is the size of your display ?


The PSU shipped with the boards is 2A minimum. Use the serial cable from
the kit or you will have to swap Rx/Tx. J2 must be set to the left (away
from the FFC LCD connector) for FriendlyARM LCDs. Check with a meter that
your NAND/NOR switch is really working. Boards are loaded with Linux and
tested before shipping.

Sang Mai
I have the same problem with you. The problem is the power supply from the
adapter is not stable, you have to change another adapter.

Uilian Ries
The first test is try to get some data from the default bootloader (vivi).

Set your boot switch to 'NOR'.
Before you turn on your board, have sure that you PC serial port is working
Connect the PC serial port on yout board.
Before you need to configure your serial port:
baud rate = 15200
parity = none
stop b = 1

If you don't have sure is you PC serial port is working, make a loop with a
DB9 connector and write something on serial port. The same data must be
show in your PC monitor, of course, you must have a software like minicom,
microcom, kermit.

Mine is also not giving any output when using terminal. When I power the
board on NOR position, LED1 is blinking and LED3 is steady. LEDs 2 and 4
are turned off. By choosing NAND storage, all user LEDs are up. Any idea? 

