USB to serial converter


When I bought a mini35 I received as a gift from FriendlyARM a USB to
serial converter (Prolific 2303 chip).

mini2440 doesn't seem to receive what the computer sends, but the computer
receives everything OK from mini2440.

I tried the converter in the desktop computer which serial port I've used
previously to communicate (successfully) with mini2440, and the result is
the same as with my notebook. I tried the converter both under Linux and
under Windows with same results.

Has anyone experienced something like that? What USB to serial converter
should I buy?



most of the USB to serial converter has problem , change your converter in
will be fine , 
i try 3 different converter to find the one has no problem 
now i use Dtech converter and it works fine 
good luck

Thank you very much Elenor!

This could be some other problem also, we faced similar issue with some
u-boot code and when we changed the u-boot, it is fine.

Please check this.

Good luck.

Thank you Nambi. I'm using FrienlyARM's supervivi, and it works fine when I
use  a real serial port.

Hi, i'm with the same problem. When I use my board with the serial to USB
converter i just see what the PC sends to me. When I try to type something
nothing happens.

Elucches, did u solve your problem?
Any kind of conversor that works?



Amul Patel
i am using brand BAFO.. and working fine.. follow link.

This is a general problem with some of the older models of the Prolific
processor chip inside the adapter. The more expensive adapters use a chip
from FTDI which has better drivers and compatibility. I got mine here:
and it works fine.

I bought days ago a BAFO too and it works just perfect. I bought it on
dealextreme for 10 USD