Hey guys. I want to register mini2440 as a HID device. I want to write a
driver for that. Now I've written software and downloaded on it.
But usb enumeration seems to be failing. 

I've written the device and configuration etc descriptors correctly. But
during enumeration the data is not received at the host  

Can anyone tell me the port configurations for USB Device?

Juergen Beisert
Did you check how the current kernel configures it? Maybe this could help

Well when I boot the linux on it It does't configure the Device part.
And also in the PC it does't show.

Is there any programming guild or hardware manual?

i've already seen the S32440 User manual and Apps note. It does't say much

Juergen Beisert
Is the gadget driver for your processor enabled in your kernel config?

searching very badly for some light about the source/data that could help
in registering micro2440 as usb hid device when connected to pc.

any help is useful

@sayeef_11 can you share the code you have written for the purpose 

ajeyaajeya <at> gmail <dot> com